Heroes of the Bible - Life of Moses by Morrinsville Baptist Church (2025)

Heroes of the Bible - Life of Moses by Morrinsville Baptist Church (1)

Morrinsville Baptist ChurchJan 21, 2025



Heroes of the Bible - Life of NaomiWe continue our summer series called "Heroes of the Bible" and we have Sam Morgan bringing us a message on the 'Life of Naomi'.Jan 21, 202528:57Heroes of the Bible - Life of MosesWe continue our summer series called "Heroes of the Bible" and we have Malcolm Bradley bringing us a message on the 'Life of Moses'.Jan 21, 202520:39Shadows of the Incarnation - God-ManAlan Davey brings us the final message in our short Christmas series 'Shadows of the Incarnation' on God-Man.Jan 06, 202533:23Heroes of the Bible - Life of JobCaleb Rollerson brings us the first message in our new summer series 'Heroes of the Bible' on the life of Job.Jan 06, 202520:15Shadows of the Incarnation - The Seed of EveDave Johns brings us the first message in our Christmas series 'Shadows of the Incarnation' on The Seed of Eve.Dec 12, 202427:20A Servant's Heart - Vic JoubertVic Joubert brings us a message on A Servant's Heart. Dec 02, 202443:19Foundations of Faith - Process SpiritualityRichard Birt brings us the next message in our series 'Foundations of Faith' on Process Spirituality. Nov 20, 202440:13Sunday 3rd November - Family ServiceVic Joubert brings us a communion message for our family service.Nov 04, 202432:44Sunday 27th October - Colleen MounseyColleen Mounsey brings us a special message of encouragement.Nov 04, 202434:42Foundations of Faith - Holistic Spirituality Part 2Richard Birt brings us the second part of his message in our series 'Foundations of Faith' on Holistic Spirituality.Oct 23, 202442:57Foundations of Faith - Holistic Spirituality Part 1Richard Birt brings us the next message in our series Foundations of Faith on Holistic Spirituality (Part 1).Oct 22, 202437:22Foundations of Faith - Motivated SpiritualityWe continue in our series 'Foundations of Faith' with Darryl Houghton bringing us the message on Motivated Spirituality.Sep 30, 202430:54Foundations of Faith - Exchanged Life Spirituality Part TwoRichard Birt brings the message in our series 'Foundations of Faith' on Exchanged Life Spirituality - Part Two.Sep 17, 202443:02Foundations of Faith - Exchanged Life Spirituality Part OneRichard Birt brings the next message in our series 'Foundations of Faith' on Exchanged Life Spirituality.Sep 17, 202445:29Foundations of Faith - Disciplined Spirituality Part 2Tom Chapman-Smith brings us the next message in our series 'Foundations of Faith', on Disciplined Spirituality.Sep 04, 202447:54Guest Speakers: David and Greta PetersSep 03, 202448:54Foundations of Faith - Disciplined SpiritualityRichard Birt brings us the next message in our series Foundations of Faith on Disciplined Spirituality.Aug 26, 202434:57Foundations of Faith - Paradigm SpiritualityTom Chapman-Smith brings the message in our series 'Foundations of Faith' on Paradigm Spirituality.Aug 11, 202435:11Foundations of Faith Intro - Week 2Richard Birt continues the introduction for our new series 'Foundations of Faith'.Jul 23, 202438:09Foundations of Faith Intro Week 1Richard Birt and Tom Chapman-Smith introduce our new series 'Foundations of Faith'.Jul 23, 202445:32Hope that Anchors us ~ David LawsonJul 02, 202432:27Sunday 23rd June - Richard BirtVictory over our circumstances.Jul 02, 202435:10Rob Smith - Romans 15:1-7We finish our short series in Romans and have Rob teaching from Romans 15:1-7.Jun 19, 202430:14Vic Joubert - Romans 12:9-21We continue through our short series in Romans and have Vic teaching from Romans 12:9-21.Jun 19, 202438:35Will Birt - Romans 7-8May 27, 202425:12Greg Smith - Acts 2:1-4This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday and we have Greg Smith teaching from Acts 2:1-4May 23, 202437:46Guest Speaker - Alan DaveyMay 15, 202441:31Family Service - Nick Jensen brings a message on CommunionMay 08, 202428:44The Elders reflect on the series through 1-3 JohnMay 08, 202442:18Richard Birt brings us a message on 3 JohnRichard continues our series through 1-3 John with a message on 3 John.May 07, 202444:39Tom Chapman-Smith brings us the message on 2 JohnTom continues our series through 1-3 John. May 07, 202438:24Richard Birt brings us the message for Easter SundayApr 03, 202442:12Vic Joubert speaks on Peter (Heroes of Faith)This Palm Sunday we pause in our series through 1-3 John with Vic speaking on Peter (Heroes of the Faith).Apr 01, 202440:03Richard Birt continues our series through 1-3 John. Mar 15, 202442:21Richard Birt continues our series through 1-3 JohnMar 14, 202433:31Richard Birt continues our series through 1-3 John11 Feb 2024Feb 21, 202441:17Tom Chapman-Smith continued in our series through 1-3 John.Sunday 18th Feb 2024Feb 21, 202432:47Malcolm Bradley - Summer SeriesMalcolm Bradley - Summer SeriesJan 09, 202421:261-3 John with Tom Chapman-Smith teaching with a Christmas focus.1-3 John with Tom Chapman-Smith teaching with a Christmas focus.Dec 18, 202334:34Richard Birt - John Series 1-3 (focussed on 1 John 3:11-24)Basic Principles: True Sonship: Test of Obedience 1 John 3:11-24.Dec 11, 202347:22Richard Birt - John Series: 1 John 2:7-17 Authentic FellowshipRichard Birt - John Series: 1 John 2:7-17 Authentic FellowshipNov 13, 202351:36Tom Chapman-Smith - John Series 1 John 1:5-2:6 (NKJV) 1 John 1:5-2:6 (NKJV) Oct 31, 202337:46Will Birt - Sunday 22 OctoberWill Birt - Sunday 22 OctoberOct 25, 202333:42Alan Davey - 'Be aware of the hiss of the Serpent'. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20Alan Davey - 'Be aware of the hiss of the Serpent'. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20Sep 18, 202339:48
Heroes of the Bible - Life of Moses by Morrinsville Baptist Church (2025)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.